SlashContext API Reference#

The SlashContext class provided to each .SlashCommand callback.


class dawn.SlashContext(bot: Bot, event: hikari.InteractionCreateEvent)[source]#

This object wraps the hikari.InteractionCreateEvent class for more easy to access the class’ methods and attributes.

  • bot (Bot) – The related bot class.

  • event (hikari.InteractionCreateEvent) – The event to get context for.

property author: hikari.users.User | hikari.interactions.base_interactions.InteractionMember | None#

An alias to SlashContext.member or SlashContext.user.

property bot: Bot#

The Bot object.

property channel: hikari.channels.GuildChannel | None#

The hikari.GuildChannel object where the command was invoked.

property channel_id: Snowflake#

ID of the channel where command was invoked.

property command: t.Optional['SlashCommand']#

The SlashCommand this SlashContext belongs to.

async create_response(content: Union[T, UndefinedType] = UNDEFINED, **options) None[source]#

Create a response for the SlashCommand interaction.

Paramaters are same as hikari.CommandInteraction.create_initial_response

async defer() None[source]#

Defers the response. This is useful if the command process is time taking or the response has to be created later.

async edit_response(content: Union[T, UndefinedType] = UNDEFINED, **options) None[source]#

Edit the response sent for the SlashCommand interaction.

Paramaters are same as hikari.CommandInteraction.create_initial_response

property event: InteractionCreateEvent#

The event this SlashContext was derived from.

async get_last_response() Message[source]#

Get the last response sent for this interaction.

property interaction: CommandInteraction#

The interaction related to this SlashContext.

property member: hikari.interactions.base_interactions.InteractionMember | None#

hikari.InteractionMember object of the hikari.User who invoked the slash command, if applicable.

property user: User#

hikari.User who invoked the slash command.

property user_id: Snowflake#

ID of command author.